
Having been in the aura of teachers and teachings of Jason Shulman for more than a decade, my good fortune has included the mentorship of Tove Borgendale and Rachel Zimmer… two of the brightest lights in the firmament of Nondual Kabbalistic Healing and Nondual Shamanism. The generosity and clarity of spirit that emanates from Tove and Rachel reveals the path of openness, compassion, and selflessness.

— Steve Cohen, M.D.

Tove and Rachel are ardent practitioners and teachers of nonduality, the practice of allowing the Individual to see the world as it is, without separation. Collectively they bring a deep awareness of the nondual state with an ability to convey the essence of nonduality in a clear concise manner. Most importantly they are able to hold space for each individual student, allowing their experience to unfold naturally in a safe Environment.

Both women are compassionate, articulate, and fearless in their pursuit of seeing reality as it is and can act as guides for others in a away that is non-invasive and loving. In those encounters I always come away feeling nourished and aware of life lived from the heart. If you get a change to work with Rachel and Tove in their Nondual Shaman class, count yourself lucky. You have hit the jackpot as I cannot say enough about their abilities to teach and transmit the work. Welcome to the world as it is. You will be glad you signed up!

— Melissa Pheterson

I love the Nondual Shaman (NDS) work. It is subtle and not easily described in words. It’s more of an inner feeling of joy and freedom it gives me. It offers freedom to be with what is—my joys and sadness, my ups and downs. It is very rich and expansive.

NDS has allowed me to live my life more fully and to have more intimate contact with what is. It lets me connect to life in an expensive, deep and meaningful way. It opens me to being more aware of the abiding presence—the essence of life, to trust, and be in the flow of life. It has also given me the ability to feel more connected to nature and other people.

My experience with Rachel and Tove was positive. They were a joy to work with. It was like two angels guiding us into this deep spiritual work. They were very compassionate, tender, and loving.

— Deniz

When I was invited to participate in the Nondual Shaman (NDS) Program, I felt an immediate connection with the training. It felt like a life fulfilling privilege to come together with others in this particular way, to be steeped in deep reality.

As teachers, Rachel and Tove bring forth the loving power of their embodied and soulful humanity along with a deep, broad and connected base of innate and seasoned wisdom. When I struggled, they were so very kind and effective at seeing me, meeting me and guiding me. They were creative in their approach to cultivating awareness. They offered me compassion, wisdom, and practical suggestions that allowed me to move into areas of uncertainty and fear with dignity and ultimately a deeper level of fulfillment. I am so very grateful to Rachel and Tove for bringing the content of the NDS program alive for me in our group meetings.

— Kathy Abreu

Rachel and Tove are wonderful teachers. They bring deep life experience and their own journey of self-healing to all their offerings.

I know their integrity and desire to share Nondual Shamanism with more people is seated in compassion. I studied Nondual Shamanism several years ago. This is life transforming work and I treasure the experience of the individual meetings and the lovely and intimate retreat at the end.

Tove and Rachel were knowledgeable, kind, and very helpful with helping me understand the practices and teachings of Nondual Shamanism. I recommend them highly as teachers and human beings.

— Alice Forrester